Our Friends

Snack have lots of friends from over the years! If you bump into any of these people, say hello for us!


Snack have supported SUFM (Scripture Union Australia) in McCrae and Rosebud, UNICEF's Pakistan Flood Children's Appeal, the UNOH Burma Cyclone Appeal, SU Namibia, Logosdor, Walk For The Kids and Children in Outback Australia

Snack journeyed to Manila in the Philippines for two weeks in 2009 to work with International Needs Philippines and support the work they were doing. Read about this partnership and our time in the Philippines.


Snack says thank you to our families... Petty, Croxford, Roberts, Breeland-Clencie!

Snack says thank you to past team members and supporters: Jesse Taylor (and family) Holly-Joy Petty (and family) Ruth Reading (and family), Dwayne Leslie (and family), Chris Cameron, Dave Coulter, Dave Prentice, Josh Wood, Phil Andrews, Simon Dewar.

Snack says thank you to those who have helped us along the way: Sarah Taylor, Josh Rosens, Carey and Kerryn Lee, Bree Morel, Beth Waldron Anstice, Chris Barnett, Linda Bailey, Greg Launer, Steve Vertigan, Tina Marchant, Kathy Armour, Jono Croxford Graphic Design, Barry Akers, Kaitlin Jempson, Craig Petty, Kylee Ling, Andrew Hicks, Brett Cardwell Cartoons, Murray Singleton, Cam Bailey, Rhonda Coyle, Peggy & Ralph Petty, Norm Grimmett, Caleb Anderson, Totally Web Services.

Other Friends and Resources