God saw all that He had made and it was very good
On the 1st day
God created the heavens and earth, He gave them worth
The 1st day
He separated dark from light, day from night
On the 2nd day
God created a space called sky, where birds can fly
The 2nd day
He separated the water from the sky, the sky up high
On the 3rd day
God created the land and the sea, the plants and trees
The 3rd day
God created fruit bearing trees, that drop their seeds
On the 4th day
God created the sun so bright, the moon for night
The 4th day
God created stars to light the sky at night
On the 5th day
God created fish that swim, salmon and bream
The 5th day
God created birds flying high, and walking by
On the 6th day
God created cows and dogs, spiders and frogs
The 6th day
God created humans to rule the Earth so full
On the 7th day, God rested